Business Operations & Management

Just as Hwa Rang Do has a specific curriculum of study and methodology of implementing this on the mat, we also have a specific methodology of how our schools and clubs operate on the office side of the world as well.  Similar to what you may think about a “franchise” type business, our students are connected through this cohesive system globally.  Obviously we make very sure that we don’t lose the humanity in how our dojangs are operated – like those franchises that are simply out for profit – as our goal is serving humanity through empowering the people who walk through our doors and participate in our martial art practice.  However, how this is presented and managed will drastically increase one’s capacity to help more people.

I am sure you know many people who are dreamers about changing the world, but really, how many people have they actually impacted?  What kind of “real” change have they accomplished?  Once again, we are serious about changing the world once person at a time, and the ability to manage a school, a business in today’s world does take a number of skills outlined below.

Hwa Rang Do Business Network

  1. Enrollment – You are not a teacher if you don’t have any students!  Again, no matter how much you want to teach people you must be able to inspire them to want to train with you.  We have a very strong educational process from the material on our websites, to the admission and tour process at the schools, and including the various tuition packages offered.  All of these areas are included in this program, as well as the steps to lead potential students effectively so that they make the decision to train.  We don’t consider this side of the equation a “sales” pitch, we want to stay focused on meeting the goals of our prospects as we educate them to the most knowledgeable choice in terms of their martial art selection.  The Hwa Rang Do brand has a lot to offer and most people recognize that once they see what it is all about.
  2. Marketing – As an instructor at our school and future schools, you will become part of a pipeline that effectively draws attention to our programs and Hwa Rang Do, and there are many activities that we are constantly doing to increase this reach further.  There is a lot to be done on this front from online to real life, and part of the job as an instructor is getting involved in the marketing efforts underway.  Again, we have a number of effective means for this already in our system, in fact, Hwa Rang Do as an art has one of the best online presences out of any martial art, and as an instructor you will just have to get into the mix.
  3. Retention – Obviously once a student begins the martial art journey in Hwa Rang Do, an instructor’s job is to make sure they continue the journey to lasting results!  Of course you must be skilled at helping them progress through their belt-by-belt curriculum and that they are meeting their goals and reasons for training on the mat.  However, there are a number of resources, including our custom dojang management software, and operational procedures that will help manage this and keep our students find success.  You will get full access to all of these tools and skills in our program which will ensure your further success as an instructor.
  4. Operations – There are many other things that are involved in operating a successful “branch” of Hwa Rang Do.  As mentioned above we have a standardized way of teaching and managing our art so that our students get exceptional results and the values we share are maintained with integrity throughout the world.  Our priority is always our students lives and success, yet, we as instructors also must be able to make a living with our vocation as well, and the WHRDA has put together an incredible package of operations for our schools, so that what we are doing is not only cutting edge in the martial art industry, but we are able to maintain our tradition and values throughout the world.

Upon completion of our Taejunsa Accelerated Instructor Program, you will essentially have full access and knowledge of a successful Hwa Rang Do Branch Academy.  Where you take the knowledge from there will be based on your own motivation and desired field, however, the value of this knowledge is comparable to that of a successful franchise operation fee which can cost you in the hundreds of thousands of dollars.  We have done a lot to develop our schools and look forward to adding you to our team that is changing the world and empowering lives everyday!